While solving some competitive programming problems, I found that IOI 2014 Problem 3, rephrased below, is quite interesting.

Let $n \ge 3$ be an integer. Alice and Bob play a game based on a graph of $n$ points, each labeled from $0$ to $n-1$. The graph is initially empty. In the $i^{\text{th}}$ round of the game, the following occurs in order:

Alice picks a pair of integers $(u,v)$ such that $0\le u < v \le n-1$ that she didn't pick before, then Bob chooses whether $\{u, v\}$ should be an edge or not. If Bob chooses $\{u, v\}$ to be an edge, then the edge connecting $\{u, v\}$ is added to the graph. (Note that there are exactly $\binom{n}{2}$ rounds.)

Alice wins if, before the last round, she can guarantee whether the graph is connected or not. Bob wins otherwise. Help Bob win the game.

The main idea is to seek Bob’s losing states.

Suppose that Alice chose $(u,v)$, and Bob has no way to win after then. Let $G$ denote the current graph and $e=uv$.

If Bob chooses to add $e$ at $G$, then $G \cup e$ must be connected; otherwise, Bob can’t lose. Thus $e$ is a bridge of $G$, and $G$ has exactly two components. On the other hand, if Bob chooses to not add $e$, then Alice could claim that the graph is disconnected. The only case is that there is a set $S$ such that

  • $u \in S$ and $v \in V(G)-S$;
  • all edges between $S$ and $V(G)-S$, except $e$, are already chosen and not an edge of the graph;
  • the subgraph induced by $S$ and $V(G)-S$ are both connected, but not all edges were chosen before.


Hence Bob loses if there is a set $S \subseteq V(G)$ such that $S$ is connected and there is an unchosen edge inside $S$. To avoid this, Bob should add the edge ${u, v}$ if all edges between $u$ and the component containing $v$, and all edges between $v$ and the component containing $u$ are chosen before. Bob should not add the edge otherwise. From the above discussions, it is clear that Alice cannot win. Thus we are done. $\blacksquare$